What Are The 3 Factors That Cause Accidents?What Are The 3 Factors That Cause Accidents?

An accident caused at a workplace or on the road will have a certain reason. Therefore, it is arguably essential to ascertain the cause of accidents to prepare for safety and prevention measures in the near future. Furthermore, by fixing the responsibility of a workplace or a road accident, one can make counter-productive safety management to prevent it from happening again.

Any factor associated with a car accident or workplace incident can be human-based or technical. However, in most cases, it is not the technical problem that leads to accidents. Rather, human factors have a higher share in soaring accident rates. These factors are directly attributed to human error, and one must understand them thoroughly for accident prevention.


3 Human Factors Causing Accidents


Three major human factors contribute to serious injuries and accidents. Below is a brief detail of these major causes:


Willful Negligence


Willful negligence is one of the common causes of accidents. For instance, distracted driving due to the use of mobile phones is a deadly mistake and is why an accident happens. Furthermore, if a person is driving under the influence of drugs, it also falls under intentional negligence.

These factors are not unintentional. Rather, the persons at the workplace or those driving a car are fully responsible. Moreover, jumping a red light may cause a tragic traffic accident. Therefore, the combinations of factors discussed are the major causes of car accidents.

Reckless driving is another issue that will result in severe accidents. Personal negligence is not only harmful when driving. Rather, it is a cause of life-threatening accidents at the workplace too. Many accidents at workplaces have occurred due to personal negligence by employees. This negligence can sometimes lead to fatal accidents.

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Lack Of Proactiveness


Reaction time is a subtle measurement used to calculate a person’s response in any emergency or accidental situation. If the reaction time of employees or workers is good while they are working attentively, they can easily dodge accidents.

The lack of proactiveness is one of the leading causes of accidents. The proneness of accidents will increase if the worker or the driver is not proactive while doing their work. Hence, it is a major contributing factor that will risk the industrial safety of workers.


Poor Knowledge of Safety Measures and Risk Perception


Poor knowledge of safety data is one of the primary causes of life-threatening accidents. The chances of an accident will increase if the person is not knowledgeable regarding the safety measures and preventive tips. Hence, the rate of accidents will increase considerably, and it is counted as a human error because the workers must learn the basics of safety practices.

Lack of knowledge of safety factors commonly causes accidents. Therefore, imparting safety data knowledge to workplace employees is important as it is instrumental for accident prevention.

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